Nice trail mostly through the forest, sometimes a bit stony.
From the summit you will have a beautyful view to Lake George. There are several points on the summit where you can take a break. On the way down you will pass the Bumps Pond. There is also a nice point for a break (about N43 33.781, W073 33.046). On this position you will also find a big chimney (who was living there? And when?)
Tour Karte und Höhenprofil
I think there is only one way from the south, NY149 turn into the Buttermilk Falls Road (N43 24.264, W073.25.738).
Drive about 10 miles to the north until you see a bigger parking ground on the right (N43 31.871, W073 33.945). Pass trough this parking ground and drive about 1.5 mile to the end of this way (Dacy Clearing Road). The road is very bad, drive carefully.
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