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Technische Daten

Länge77,9 km Höhenmeter974 m Abstieg825 m Dauer00:00 h:m Datum14.06.2006
Bewertungen Autor Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik


2187 Views Bewertungen 258 Downloads Durchschnitt
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The ride begins at the train station in Lindau, and then follows the bike path along the lake to Bregenz. In Bregenz, the ride heads into the city and onto Fluhstrasse which winds up the hill that the Pfander is located on.

Past Fluh, we leave the paved road and head into the woods. Winding our way around the mountain through some forest and incredible views of Voralberg on one side and the Bodensee on the other, we catch the paved road up to the Pfaender (1024 m). From the top of the Pfaender, we catch the paved road down to Lochau and then follow the Bodensee radweg back to Lindau and onto Wasserberg, Nonnenhorn, Langenargen, Kressbron, and Friedrichshafen, a gorgeous ride through picturesque towns and wonderful forest. Much of the ride hugs the lake shore.

From Friedrichafen to Immenstaad, we follow the bike path on the side of the B31. Once we leave Immenstaad, we head down to the lake shore once more and then head up to the war memorial before Meersburg before descending into Meersburg proper.

Tour Karte und Höhenprofil

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Minimale Höhe 356 m Maximale Höhe 1060 m Detailansicht

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  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
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  • Fugawi (txt) download
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Meine Bewertung
Tour: Lindau-Pfaender-Friedrichshafen-Meersburg
Art: Mountainbike
Länge: 77,9 km
Bewertet am:
Bewertung: Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik