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Länge10,1 km Höhenmeter597 m Abstieg580 m Dauer04:30 h:m Datum12.07.2009
Bewertungen Autor Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik


3443 Views Bewertungen 340 Downloads Durchschnitt
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This is a hiking-track in the area of Sougia, a small town at the southern coast of Crete, a bit West of the Samaria Gorge.

It is a nice trip alonh the European Hiking Route E4, going up onto a high summit with the remains of a Turkish Fort and a small chapel spectacularly overlooking a large part of the southern coast.

You can take the same track for both ways, adding up to about 7 hours of walking time if you turn back at Tripiti summit. The provided GPX-file only covers one way, leading down to Tripiti beach. From there it is possible to use a mobile phone to call Captain George's Taxi Boat from Sougia (60 Euro for the trip), but you should check with him at Sougia to see whether he is available before you do the trip.

If you go down from Tripiti summit to Tripiti beach, please be extremely careful because there is a lot of rubble which is rather dangerous to walk. This part is absolutely unsuitable for children. There may be better alternatives to go down than the route indicated by this last part of the track. So be careful: the descent is DIFFICULT !!!

Apart from this, the way is fairly easy to walk and partly waymarked with E4-signs.

Take a good amount of water with you, because there is virtually no shadow on the way.

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  • Google
Minimale Höhe -8 m Maximale Höhe 382 m Detailansicht

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Mitglied seit 2009

Land: Deutschland

27 erstellte Touren
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From the main part of Sougia, go East to the dry riverbed and follow the dry bed for about 100 meters upwards. Then turn right and look out for black-yellow E4 signs close to a small farm.


  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Tourenblatt (pdf) download
  • Originaldatei des Autors (gpx) download

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Land: Deutschland

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Meine Bewertung
Tour: Sougia to Tripiti Beach (E4)
Art: Wandern
Länge: 10,1 km
Bewertet am:
Bewertung: Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik