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Technické údaje

Délka71,4 km Výškoměr0 m Sestup0 m Doba5 Dny 0 h Datum23.07.2015
Hodnocení Autor Krajina Faktor zábavy Náročnost Technika


504 Přehledy Hodnocení 57 Downloady Průměr
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  • Příjezd
  • Downloady

This was my favourite trek in South America, well maybe apart from the Cordillera Huayhuash in Peru anyway. Spectacular scenery, we had wonderful weather, and the refuges were a cut above anything else in South America. We did the whole thing through an agency as we were just on holiday in Chile but you don't need a guide so if you are already in SA and have all the equipment with you (ie: if you're backpacking) I think you could easily do it yourself.

We did this W trek as a 5-day hike, but I think you can also do a complete loop aroudn the northern edge of the National Park if you have the time - I think 7 days?




Další informace v části


Galerie tras

Trasa mapa a výškový profil

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimální výška 99999 m Maximální výška -99999 m Detailní náhled

Více o autorovi turné

Členem od 2015

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The tour starts at the Vertice Refugio and you then walk north along the shores of Lago Grey until you reach the Refugio Lago Grey where you stay tonight. From here you can head north another 1km to the foot of the Grey glacier before retracing your steps to the Refugio.

On Day 2 you trek back south to the Vertice Refugio and then head east to the north of Lake Skottsborg before cutting east across to the Rio Frances and the Campamento Italiano, where you stay tonight.

On Day 3 you follow the eastern bank of the Rio Frances north along the valley until you get to the Mirador at the northern end of the valley. From here you then head back down the valley to the campsite and then follow the shore of Lake Nordenskjold east until you get to the Los cuernos refugio. This is the longest day of the trek by far (around 10 hours) and is a real schlep but arguably the most spectacular of the trek as well.

On day 4 you have a long but level hike east from Los Cuernos until you reach the base of the Ascencio valley, just across from the Las Torres hotel. You follow the river north until you reach Lago Torres, where there are several campsites on the north shore.

On Day 5 all that's left to do is walk back down the valley to Las Torres, from where the bus will take you back to Puerto Natales and the ocean!








Trasy GPS

  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Formulář trasy (pdf) download
  • Původní soubor autora (gpx) download

Více o autorovi turné

Členem od 2015

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Přidat do oblíbených
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Moje hodnocení
Trasa: Torres del Paine "W" Circuit
Druh: Horská túra
Délka: 71,4 km
Hodnoceno na:
Hodnocení: Krajina Faktor zábavy Náročnost Technika