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Technische Daten

Länge54,3 km Höhenmeter363 m Abstieg362 m Dauer01:45 h:m Datum12.08.2013
Bewertungen Autor Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik


386 Views Bewertungen 7 Downloads Durchschnitt
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Very nice ride in a tropical environment offering both - long straights, twisty roads and steep (!!!) climbs. You will definitely enjoy this race, even though it consists of odd triathlon distances.

There is not much more to say, just that this is a race of legends and you'll be toeing the start line with who's who of the triathlon sport of long and Olympic distances.

besides this beautiful bike leg, you'll experience a unique swim partly in the salty Indian ocean's sea water and partly in a fresh water lagoon while the run will take you through the nearby golf course.

For the lovers of "even" distances, you can go for the "half ironman" distance race usually taking place one week later, that used to be the Ironman70.3 Asia Pacific Championships and lately became a Challenge race. The bike leg consists of almost the same route as the classic "Phuket Triathlon" bike leg, just that you'll ride a bit more on the highway and will have to unmounts your bike and push it over an overhead bridge.

The event is well organized and the catering before/after the race was also excellent. In case you'd like to escape the winter in the Northern hemisphere, do not hesitate to sign up for this/these races and come over to Thailand to race and relax.

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Land: Deutschland

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As most of the riders will be coming by plane to Phuket = from Phuket international airport take a taxi to Bang Tao beach (Laguna Phuket Resort) where the ride/race starts.


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Mitglied seit 2006

Land: Deutschland

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Meine Bewertung
Tour: Phuket International Triathlon
Art: Rennrad
Länge: 54,3 km
Bewertet am:
Bewertung: Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik