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Technische Daten

Länge179,8 km Höhenmeter1173 m Abstieg1138 m Dauer07:00 h:m Datum12.08.2013
Bewertungen Autor Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik


258 Views Bewertungen 11 Downloads Durchschnitt
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Wow, what a race! Once you froze all your toes, fingers, ears and nose off in the icy waters of the Wanaka lake, this ride will challenge you to the full. It's all rough "kiwi tarmac" with steep climbs, hot sun (or heavy rain?) and a LOT of wind. The finishing run will take it all out of you, since it's not the standard Ironman/Challenge flat run. Not only the hills are a challenge but also the fact that a large portion of the run takes place on unsealed terrain add up.

Thus if you are a triathlete looking for a new experience and have some budget to spend for a longer (family) vacation, do not hesitate to put some extra effort into training during winter (if you are from US/Europe) and sign up.

In general the January Wanaka Challenge race enjoys much better weather than the Ironman, that takes place in March, when the rain is quite a certain bet.

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Tour Karte und Höhenprofil

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimale Höhe 230 m Maximale Höhe 416 m Detailansicht

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Mitglied seit 2006

Land: Deutschland

47 erstellte Touren
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The best option for this race is to fly to Queenstown and take a camper van/car there at the airport. From there continue on the No. 6 to the North. Shortly after you've left Queenstown, you have a decision to make, whether you'd like to take the rather larger No.6 or you take a more adventurous and twisty short cut via Cardrona. You'll have some great views onto the surrounding mountains and towards Queenstown from this road. The first few kilometres are a challenging drive climbing up steep hairpins, but once you've passed the pass it's an easy rolling downhill towards Wanaka.


  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Tourenblatt (pdf) download
  • Originaldatei des Autors (gpx) download

Mehr zum Tourautor

Mitglied seit 2006

Land: Deutschland

47 erstellte Touren
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Meine Bewertung
Tour: Challenge Wanaka
Art: Rennrad
Länge: 179,8 km
Bewertet am:
Bewertung: Landschaft Spaßfaktor Kondition Technik