During second week in Norway we visited two national parks: NP Rondane and NP Dovre.
We have approximately half of time good partly cloudy weather withtemperatures between 15-20 degrees during day and little bit lower inthe night. Second half of our time weather was rather cloudy with rainwith temperatures little bit above freeze level.
There are many lakes, streams and rivers in these areas, so it is no needed to carry much water.
A lot of reindeers are living around here and if you have fortune you will see some different species of wild animals.
You can camping there in a tent without any problems. By Norway's laws you are permitted to set up a tent everywhere in the country further than 150 meters from dwelling.Weitere Informationen unter
http://www.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~jhum8111/hory/norsko_2009/norsko_2009.htmlTour Galerie
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