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Dati tecnici

Lunghezza28,6 km Dislivello766 m Discesa724 m Durata02:24 h:m Data28.05.2012
Valutazioni Autore Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica


861 Visualizzazioni 1 Valutazione 137 Download 2.00 Media
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Diese Runde beginnt auf dem Parkplatz der Müngstner Brücke und führt zu 95 % über Wirtschaft- oder Wandewege. Die hälfte davon sind Singletrails zum teil sehr Steil und Verblockt. Eigentlich wollten wir noch von Glüdern an der Sengbachtalsperre vor bei aber die Zeit reichte nicht aus. Diese Wege sind auch an Sonn- oder Feiertagen immer noch gut befahrbar, da oberhalb im Berg nicht soviel Wanderer sind. Trotzdem Vorsichtig fahren zum teil sind die Trails nicht gut einsehrbar.

Viel Spaß beim Nachfahren!

Galleria itinerari

Mappa itinerario e altimetria

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Altezza minima 78 m Altezza massima 209 m Vista dettagliata

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Membro dal 2009

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Galloposer on 02.06.2014

Nice round, but too easy

Premise: I am normally looking for single trails and steep downhills.

Said that:
The trail has around 20-30% of single trails. Never steep. The rest of it is on fire-roads. Very little asphalt though.

I think have not been studied very well:
- The part in the town that could have been skipped (I do not know why it passes through the town)
- there is a extremely steep uphill for about 800m that is almost impossible to cycle (also in the picture the guy is pushing the bike)
- there are nice downhils around the trail that could have been added to the track.

Panorama is quite nice.
Advised to those not looking for advanced stuff but only a nice half day walk.

Tracce GPS

Punti di traccia
  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Scheda tecnica (pdf) download
  • File originale dell'autore (gpx) download

Maggiori informazioni sull'autore del tour

Membro dal 2009

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Il mio voto
Itinerario: Auf und ab an der Wupper
Tipo: Mountain bike
Lunghezza: 28,6 km
Valutato su:
Valutazione: Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica