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Lunghezza14,7 km Dislivello458 m Discesa458 m Durata02:00 h:m Data23.04.2006
Valutazioni Autore Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica


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Tour from Lacona up to the Mt. Tambone and around the Mt. S. Martino down to Lacona again.

Down from Mt. Tambone to the the street (Lacona / Marina di Campo) and down to Locana are some good and difficult downhill trails (left from motor bike trail machines).

I did not ride over the Mt. S. Martino, but i marked the step into with a waypoint, if you do, send me the track to add.

There is another tour from Locana to the Mt. Tambone, going down to Mariana di Campo and Locana with variants (in up and down). The up from Locana is in this track 5minutes to hike (bad condition of way), in the other Tambone trail the up uses the street for 150m height.

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  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Altezza minima 12 m Altezza massima 381 m Vista dettagliata

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canyon-jay on 04.11.2016

Not suitable for biking

Did it today.. This is a hiking, not mtb-trail. Approximatly 30% not bikeable and extremly technical up+downhills. Even with an enduro bike! (I am an experienced all mountain biker and live at the dolomites..)
Gps accuracy is perfect, but leave your bike at home.
T_Spark on 07.06.2022


I biked the Route only to the road. The uphill trail is cycleable, but demanding. It is mostly used as downhill trail. The hiking path no. 248 was partially uncycleable for me. As I pushed my bike down the washed out granite Gully, I thought the same as my pre-commentator: This trail is even hard to walk! But then it rumbled behind me and two E-bikers appeared litterally hopping rather than rolling down the trail. So much about uncycleability... But I would rate this passage at least S3-4
T_Spark on 12.06.2022

Uncycleable II

I finished the rest of the route too. It is all cycleable. The footpath down to Lacona is S2 in my opinion.
Portoferrario, Locana, at the village end of Lacona in direction to Marina di Campo park the car (or come withe the othe Tambone tour up from Marina di Campo).

Tracce GPS

Punti di traccia
  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Scheda tecnica (pdf) download
  • File originale dell'autore (gpx) download

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Membro dal 2005

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Il mio voto
Itinerario: Elba - Lacona - Mt. Tambone Mt S. Martino
Tipo: Mountain bike
Lunghezza: 14,7 km
Valutato su:
Valutazione: Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica