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Dati tecnici

Lunghezza58,8 km Dislivello692 m Discesa818 m Durata07:00 h:m Data21.04.2009
Valutazioni Autore Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica


881 Visualizzazioni Valutazioni 102 Download Media
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The track follows leg 12 of the "Rudopia" trail. From Perperikon you have to follow the asphalt road passing trough the villages of Chiflik, Madrets and Perperek to reach Kaloyantsi where the asphalt ends. Take left in Kaloyantsi and follow the forest road passing trough picturesque meadows and oak forests until you come to Dolishte. An asphalt road strats from there. It will take you to Konevo where you must turn right and ride to Byala Polyana. At the end of the village there is a dirt road in southern direction that you must take. Down to the creek and then up on a stony road and you will reach Svetoslav. In Svetoslav take the trail just down from the center. Soon it becomes a track which will lead you to the dam of  "Studen Kladents" Lake. You will reach an asphlat road there. Go left and pass the villages of Rabovo, Golobradovo and Pchelari. A kilometer after Pcchelari you will find a shortcut in the right hand side. It will take you to the main road and the iron bridge on Arda river. After you cross the bridge you must ride trough the villages of Kotlari, Strandjevo and Bryagovets to reach Madjarovo lovated in the former crater.

Ulteriori informazioni sotto

Galleria itinerari

Mappa itinerario e altimetria

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Altezza minima 131 m Altezza massima 361 m Vista dettagliata

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Tracce GPS

Punti di traccia
  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Scheda tecnica (pdf) download
  • File originale dell'autore (gpx) download

Maggiori informazioni sull'autore del tour

Membro dal 2008

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Itinerario: Perperikon - Madjarovo
Tipo: Mountain bike
Lunghezza: 58,8 km
Valutato su:
Valutazione: Paesaggio Divertimento Condizione Tecnica