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Technische gegevens

Lengte61,9 km Hoogtemeter709 m Afdaling713 m Duur04:00 h:m Datum06.10.2007
Beoordelingen Auteur Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek


758 Views Beoordelingen 84 Downloads Gemiddelde
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The Tour starts in Thatcham towards the Monkey marsh lock, where you cross the Reading-Bath lock and head on towards RAF Greenham Common. The route takes you past the former Control Tower, before lreading on towards Adbury and Burghclere. Part of that is on low traffic country roads.

The ascend to Watership down is quite steep, but since it is onroad everyone can easily manage. Then the trail follows various singletrails as well as wider tracks.

On the way back, I had a couple of punctures, because on the singletrail near Ashley Warren the hedgeswere cut and I picked up some thorns on the way - so be carefull. From then on the trail follows the same trails and roads we came from.

Overall a nice little Mountainbikeride south of Newbury.

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Fotogalerie van de tocht

Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimumhoogte 61 m Maximale hoogte 230 m Detailweergave

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Via M4 and then A34 towards Nebury. In Newbury go towards Benham Hill and then on to Thatcham. You can start the Tour from where I parked (its free) or if you arrive by train, the trail goes past the trainstation.


  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Pagina van de tocht (pdf) download
  • Origineel dossier van de auteur (gpx) download

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Tocht: Watership Down
Type: Mountainbike
Lengte: 61,9 km
Evaluated on:
Beoordeling: Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek