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Lengte15,0 km Hoogtemeter577 m Afdaling589 m Duur04:00 h:m Datum11.03.2014
Beoordelingen Auteur Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek


136 Views Beoordelingen 7 Downloads Gemiddelde
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Starting the tour at Linwood Road Access, take the Backside Trail (blazed in orange hexagons) up to the Overlook. The gravel road at the beginning ends up into a hicking trail and finally the last steep part before reaching the summit, hikers will climb up 336 wooden steps. From the summit we follow the Rocktop Trail (blazed in red squares) to the road crossing of Sparrow Springs Road and Freedom Mill Road. This trail crosses several rock ledges and requires good footwear and careful attention to staying on the trail.

Following the Soarrow Springs Road we reach the Lake Trail (blazed in light blue circles). This easy 0.8 mile loop trail goes around the park lake.

Back to the parking lot follow the Turnback Trail (blazed in white triangles) this moderate 1.2 mile (one-way) trail begins at the southeast corner of the visitor center parking lot and ends at the Pinnacle Trail. Following the Pinnacle Trail (blazed in orange circles) to the north east, we reach the Crowders Trail (blazed in white diamonds). This moderately strenuous trail  ends at the backside trail before that trail reaches the summit.

Fotogalerie van de tocht

Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht

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Minimumhoogte 239 m Maximale hoogte 488 m Detailweergave

Meer over de tour auteur

Lid sinds 2009

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The tour (as described) was started at the Linwood Road Access. Follow I-85 S from Charlotte, take  Exit 13 and follow the signs to the Linwood Road Access.


  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
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  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Pagina van de tocht (pdf) download
  • Origineel dossier van de auteur (gpx) download

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Lid sinds 2009

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Tocht: Crowders Mountain National Park
Type: Wandelen
Lengte: 15,0 km
Evaluated on:
Beoordeling: Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek