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Lengte11,0 km Hoogtemeter419 m Afdaling424 m Duur02:58 h:m Datum01.08.2014
Beoordelingen Auteur Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek


318 Views Beoordelingen 14 Downloads Gemiddelde
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Located around 10km outside of Mbabane, Sibebe is the largest exposed granite pluton in the world. Although different in their geology, Sibebe is second only to Ayers Rock in Australia as the largest freestanding rock in the world.

The best view of Sibebe is experienced walking up it! You are best off following the official route via Sibebe Hiking Trails (yellow/white signs). On the way up or down you’ll be able to enjoy Sibebe’s incredible views and explore various caves.

Walking tours start from the visitor centre at Mbuluzi Gate which opens at 8:00.

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Minimumhoogte 1100 m Maximale hoogte 1396 m Detailweergave

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Lid sinds 2008

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To reach the Sibebe visitors' centre from Mbabane, follow Gwamile Street to the intersection with Somhlolo Street. Then follow signs to Pine Valley. A short distance out of town, you will see additional signs for Sibebe Walking Trails and Sibebe Community Trust. The narrow tarred road now winds through the beautiful Pine Valley for about 30 km.


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Lid sinds 2008

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Tocht: Sibebe Rock
Type: Wandelen
Lengte: 11,0 km
Evaluated on:
Beoordeling: Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek