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Lengte64,9 km Hoogtemeter1692 m Afdaling1670 m Duur04:00 h:m Datum26.11.2016
Beoordelingen Auteur Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek


361 Views Beoordelingen 73 Downloads Gemiddelde
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Nice Loop for a Training Day with marvelous Views around Monte Minniminni. The Trip is "Sheppard Free" not difficult to ride and serves you for a good Training Day. The Startpoint is a Beach Area at Solanas. You can leave your Car there (no payments needed) and leave Solanas to the right. Have a Caffee at Ca Cantina (watch out the Designer of the Coffee Machine !). Leave than do the Cimb into the drection of Castiadas. The Route is mainly on asphalt, though the first 600 Meters of Elevation end up with a well know Strava Segement ("Per Punta Minniminni) with a final 38% incline. Watch out your Time. Headsup : the sign says not trespassing, but it I checked - for Cyclists the last Segment to Monte M. is allowed. Right before the Top, the Downhill Track starts. That is one of the most scenic downhills I have done on this Island. Watch out the Stones. Down in Villa Simius, enjoy a Coffee or an IceCream in the Gelatria Amore Mio (Main  Road). Leave VillaSimius for the last Part of the Loop. I left out the decent to Cala Pira (which I would reccommend if you find time). Very crouded in the Sommer Period with a nice Restaurant and a cool Food Truck in the Winter time a very cilly Location. Cycle the Loop back and have a nice cool Beer i Ca Cantina before you depart (without alcohol for sure). Enjoy. 


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Search for Solanas, go down to the Beachside and leave your Car there.


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  • Origineel dossier van de auteur (gpx) download

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Lid sinds 2011

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Tocht: Monte Minniminni Loop
Type: Mountainbike
Lengte: 64,9 km
Evaluated on:
Beoordeling: Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek