The famous climb from the city to La Bastille. Over 250 meters climb in less than 2 kilometers. The steepness reaches 24%, so your legs burn down quickly.
There are steepness measurements and some oneliners written on the road, so you don't feel alone with your pain. The first oneliner is: "Why?". Try to find and answer :-)
As a reward you can enjoy a remarkable view from the fortress.
There are steepness measurements and some oneliners written on the road, so you don't feel alone with your pain. The first oneliner is: "Why?". Try to find and answer :-)
As a reward you can enjoy a remarkable view from the fortress.
Fotogalerie van de tocht
Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht
Minimumhoogte 221 m
Maximale hoogte 499 m
The climb starts east from the fortress at La Tronche. Do NOT use the "bubbles" :-)
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