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Technische gegevens

Lengte49,9 km Hoogtemeter1856 m Afdaling1847 m Duur07:00 h:m Datum10.09.2009
Beoordelingen Auteur Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek


1081 Views Beoordelingen 184 Downloads Gemiddelde
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Jedná se o alternativu výjezdu na Altissimo, pouze v místě, kde pod Altissimo začíná onen závěrečný nesjízdný úsek, pokračujeme "kolmo", v pohodě, dál na Ref. Campei. Odtud sjezdem po betoně/šotolině na Strada Brentegana, odkud se odpojíme do údolí před Dos Remit a opět po šotolině/betoně (místy náročné) dosahujeme silnice v údolí. Do Nago přejíždíme po asfaltové cyklostezce, vinicemi se vracíme do Torbole a do Rivy.

It is an alternative uphill to "Altissimo". The difference is at the place where begins the impracticable Altissimo summit passage, beneath Monte Varagna (the crossing of trails No 601 and 624), it´s necessary there to cross the medow southwards, thru the trail, to join the road 850m far from here and to go down thru it up to ref. Campei. From here the road goes steeply down on concrete & stony road and joins Strada Brentegana which is taken in the direction to Dos Remit for a length of 1,5 km. Than tourn down via stony trail up to valley between Nago - Mori. Retourn back to Nago - Torbole ev. Riva via bike-road.

The crucial difference between classical Altissimo tour and this one is that it is easily practicable by bike all along while the summit of Altissimo you can get only with your bike on the arm on a difficult stony ground. 

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Minimumhoogte 76 m Maximale hoogte 1713 m Detailweergave

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Lid sinds 2009

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Lid sinds 2009

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Mijn waardering
Tocht: Monte Varagna - Ref. Campei - Strada Brentegana - Nago
Type: Mountainbike
Lengte: 49,9 km
Evaluated on:
Beoordeling: Landschap Funfactor Conditie Techniek