Since Malta is a very small island, it is easy to drive from the north to the south shore for visiting the Dingli cliffs. In some sections the walls are 200 m deep and go vertically to the sea. But this is not the only atraction for this tour, since you can see old buildings (catacombs and inquisitor's palace), architechtonicly imposing churches (Dingli, Mosta, Rabat) till you come to the fortified city of Mdina.
Unfortately in some sections you must drive along the country road, so be careful, and in some other sections the roads are in bad conditions, so be careful. Not to forget that maltese people drive on the "wrong" side (left).
Fotogalerie van de tocht
Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht
Your hotel is somewhere in the north shore (around St Paul's bay).
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