A superfun route around Konigstein (near Vilseck / Amberg). Lots of short, steep hills, some fun technical sections, some fast downhills, and overall a very fun 1-2 hours of riding.
Very cool cliffs and rock formations, some of which are already bolted for climbing, some not. The majority of the ride is singletrack with some forrest roads and dirt roads connecting sections.
Great for after work.
Eine coole tour rund um Konigstein (in der Naehe von Vilseck / Amberg). Viele kleine, steile Huegel, etwas technisch, anspruschvolle downhills, und viel spass.
Coole klippen fur kletter-moeglischkeiten. Meistens singletrack oder waldpfade.
Perfekt fur feierabends.
Very cool cliffs and rock formations, some of which are already bolted for climbing, some not. The majority of the ride is singletrack with some forrest roads and dirt roads connecting sections.
Great for after work.
Eine coole tour rund um Konigstein (in der Naehe von Vilseck / Amberg). Viele kleine, steile Huegel, etwas technisch, anspruschvolle downhills, und viel spass.
Coole klippen fur kletter-moeglischkeiten. Meistens singletrack oder waldpfade.
Perfekt fur feierabends.
Fotogalerie van de tocht
Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht
Minimumhoogte 469 m
Maximale hoogte 617 m
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