This is one of two little walks from the Kozak Cafe - just right to built up an appetite! The tour is through a pinewood tree forest and it offers scenic views of interestingly shaped rock formations. The tour partly follows narrow paths enclosed by walls of piled up rocks and runs through vineyards. Some (usually dry) river beds need to be crossed. In summary: a short, but very scenic walk!
Fotogalerie van de tocht
Kaart en hoogteprofiel van de tocht
Minimumhoogte 99999 m
Maximale hoogte -99999 m
The Kozak Mountains are located between Ayvalik and Bergama; starting point is the "Kozak Cafe" (excellent Boerek and Chay) in the little village of Demircidere. From Ayvalik, take the mountain road via Yeniköy in direction Kozak and continue until Demircidere. Alternatively, you can take the same road but in opposite direction from Bergama. Park at the Kozak Cafe, cross the road and enter the forestry path.
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