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Technical data

Длина23,5 km Высотомер629 m Way down608 m Длительность00:00 h:m Дата08.09.2016
Оценки Author Ландшафт Веселье Кондиция Техника


1155 Виды Оценки 188 Загрузки Среднее
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This trail leads to the highest peak on the island of Rab; Kamenjak, providing a magnificent view of the archipelago on one side, and Velebit mountain on the other.
The trail is intended to riders who are familiar with the terms "enduro" and "all mountain”, and who are in search of stones, steps and narrow single-trail during downhill. If you are one of those riders, this is a trail with a downhill* which will please you for sure.
Riders with moderate downhill technique and wishing to visit the highest peak on the island can also use this trail, but with using the same way back.



Staza vodi na najviši vrh otoka Raba; Kamenjak, s kojeg puca prekrasan pogled na arhipelag s jedne strane i na planinu Velebit s druge strane.
Staza je namijenjena biciklistima koji poznaju pojmove “enduro” i “all mountain” te na spustu traže kamenje, stepenice i uski singltrail. Ukoliko znate o čemu pričamo, ovo je staza sa spustom* koja će vas sigurno zadovoljiti.
Stazu mogu koristiti i biciklisti koji imaju osrednju tehniku spuštanja i žele posjetiti najviši vrh otoka, ali uz povratak istim putem.
*Spust je isključivo namijenjen naprednim vozačima.




Галерея маршрутов

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Minimum height -7 m Maximum height 409 m Детальный вид

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Member since 2014

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Гость on 11.07.2018

Rückweg --> unfahrbar

Der Rückweg (an der UKW-Station vorbei) ist eigentlich nicht (be-)fahrbar.
Große Steine auf schmalen Wegen, steil bergab, rechts und links vom "Weg" sind Dornenbüsche. Alle paar Meter muss man Tore passieren. Das Gestein ist größtenteils lose, man rutscht ständig weg.
Zum Wandern OK, aber nicht mit dem MTB. Lieber die steile Straße wieder runter, macht mehr Spas s.


  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
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  • Формуляр маршрута (pdf) download
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Member since 2014

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Маршрут: MTB RAB 3
Вид: Горный велосипед
Длина: 23,5 km
Evaluated on:
Оценка: Ландшафт Веселье Кондиция Техника