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Technical data

Dĺžka54,6 km výškomer1459 m Way down1443 m Doba05:00 h:m dátum10.05.2005
ohodnotenia Author Kraj pôžitok z túry kondícia technika


6173 náhľady 4 ohodnotenia 849 Stiahnutia 3.50 priemer
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Tour around the Parco del Campo Dei Fiori, the nature parc behind the Lago di Varese.

The tour goes down mainly on small ways, up on streets, except some small parts. Long and difficult downhill on small footpath.

The tour starts in Laveno, goes on street to Brenta, on small ways to Cuvio, on street up to Comaccio and Orino (info on parking about the park ), there we reach the Parco and follow the way around the mountain. In Cerro you can go on up 90° left to the E1 way around the mountain or follow the more difficult track with some single trail and heavy stone ways / foothpaths up again to the E1. Before Velate we followed up the street for another footpath to Velate. In Velate is a bar and a fresh water source. Then we went on nearlay same height to the street (low traffic) up the mountain. When you reach the end of the street there is a view point. Then the way goes on footway along the top of the mountain. The heavy downhill starts after some steps (following sentiero 17). There are a lot alternative downhill ways from the top. For technical not so experienced riders please view the start of the downhill after the steps. The downhill goes down to Cerro/Orino, turns to Cerro and follows the green orange marked sentiero to Brenta. Short before Brenta is very steep downhill (too heavy/dangerous). This track is one of my first, if your is in better quality, please contact me.

Further information at


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Mapa trasy a výškový profil

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 140 m Maximum height 1122 m Detailný pohľad

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Member since 2005

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jokermanex on 16.06.2013

Wiederholung am 31.05.2013

my report (in german): http://www.bergtour.ch/gipfelbuch/detail/id/60729
Started in Cittiglio.
Nice tour off the commonly croweded MTB hot spots
Come from A2 Bellizona along the sea to Luino, SS394 to Cuveglio, Cittilogo. 1,4km after Cittilogo go left over the train and after 1,5km right side is the Icaro place. (short before the crossing left to Mombello / right to Laveno)

Camping is possible at the Paraglider Club Camp of Icaro 2000 in Laveno (the start of the tour), were you can stay (have to get member 10Euro) or park the car free. The club camping is at low level, but okay.

Cero beach on the Lago Maggiore is one of the nicest places. Watch the sun going down there.

There is a local Kompass map "Lago di Maggiore" available, including some bike tours.

Kiters we saw at Luino on the beach.

GPS trasy

  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • list trasy (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (g7t) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2005

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My score
trasa: Lago di Varese - Parco del Campo Dei Fiori
Druh: horský bicykel
Dĺžka: 54,6 km
Evaluated on:
ohodnotenie: Kraj pôžitok z túry kondícia technika