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Technical data

Dĺžka403,3 km výškomer14219 m Way down14382 m Doba00:00 h:m dátum07.08.2005
ohodnotenia Author Kraj pôžitok z túry kondícia technika


4981 náhľady 2 ohodnotenia 894 Stiahnutia 4.00 priemer
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  • Stiahnutia
1.leg locarno - alpe foppa
start at some parking lot near locarno. Along the lake and an airfield to foot of mt. tamaro. Nice but hard to cycle ancient cobblestone road to monte ceneri. enduring dirt road up to alpe foppa.
2.leg alpe foppa - varenna
steep dirt road (some pushing) up to top of mt. tamaro. nice trail mostly driveable (watch out for biker catching bushes) later dirt road down towards lugano. Avoiding city up again on tarred road to rifugio monte bar. short after rifugio great trail starts to italian border. from there concrete road downhill to junction with tarred road. there we did hard alternative going to the left (right easier all road) following road to start of a trail. it's passing old farmer houses with loud but friendly dogs longer parts to push. finally in menaggio at lago di como, ferry to varenna.
3.leg varenna - piazza brembana
4.leg piazza brembana - lizzola
5.leg lizzola - zone
6.leg zone - lago d'idro
7.leg lago d'idro - riva

galéria trás

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  • Google
Minimum height 83 m Maximum height 2022 m Detailný pohľad

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Member since 2004

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Florian on 27.06.2009

Bin sie gefahren

wer gerne schiebt und trägt ist hier richtig, landschaftlich und von den Blicken her erstklassig, aber wir haben auch geflucht wie die Rohrspatzen. Wir waren eine Truppe guter Fahrer, haben aber auch öfter hinter dem Gipfel wieder runtergetragen!
Locarno is hard to reach by train at least from munich! Thanks to Martin!!! we had a ride with a rental van.

GPS trasy

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  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2004

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My score
trasa: Locarno - Riva
Druh: Transalp
Dĺžka: 403,3 km
Evaluated on:
ohodnotenie: Kraj pôžitok z túry kondícia technika