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Technical data

Distancia20,9 km Altitud en metros535 m Descenso m Duración05:00 h:m Fecha17.04.2005
Valoraciones Autor Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica


5131 Visitas Valoraciones 638 Descargas Promedio
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This walk is from Kompass Wanderführer 1074. This was the first time I had used a walk from a book rather than planning it myself. Usually I use a map, plot the path on Magicmaps Hessen 3D and can then see the distance and profiles. The book says that this walk is 16km. Some mistake: we ended up doing the last 4km in the dark!

The walk takes in Kloster Eberbach - just in case you don't know (and everyone will be sure to tell you!) this was the setting for the cult film "The Naming Of The Rose" with Sean Connery as a detective monk.

If you take in the Kloster then add a couple of hours! Shortly after the Kloster the walk takes you past a llama farm - there's contrast for you.

The walk is varied with nothing too strenuous. The walk from Bittereiche to Grüne Bank follows the Rheinhöhenweg. This is packed with families and cyclists on a Sunday so walk an extra couple of hundred metres further North and follow the parallel forestry trail. This is empty and the views are better. We walked the Rheinhöhenweg because it was already obvious to us that the walking map directions were hopeless wrong with the distance so we didn't want to lose time. And as it was mid-winter we didn't see too many folks anyway.

The walk finishes with a splendid view over Kiedrich from the ruined Scharfenstein Castle.

I set a 4 for endurance only because of the length. None of the climbs are particularly arduous.

The GPS data includes the original plot but I have also included a corrected Route (in two parts for we Garmin users). The Garmin doesn't work brilliantly in hills and trees so I have overlaid the plot onto Magicmaps Hessen 3D map and corrected the Routes to the various intersections. Using the Routes rather than the GPS Track you won't be directed 100m off the path at odd points!

Mapa de la ruta y perfil de altitud

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 152 m Maximum height 563 m Vista detallada

More about the tour author

Miembro desde 2005

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There is an excellent (and free!) car park in Kiedrich where the walk starts.

Tracks GPS

Puntos del track
  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Hoja de ruta (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (g7t) download

More about the tour author

Miembro desde 2005

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Mi valoración
Ruta: Kiedrich-Kloster Eberbach-Bittereiche-Grüne Bank-Kiedrich
Tipo: Excursionismo
Distancia: 20,9 km
valorizado al:
Valoración: Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica