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Technical data

Distancia63,2 km Altitud en metros1232 m Descenso1228 m Duración00:00 h:m Fecha31.08.2015
Valoraciones Autor Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica


399 Visitas Valoraciones 64 Descargas Promedio
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Jedna malo zahtjevnija ruta s obzirom na visinski profil i penjanje od skoro 1.300 metara no ruta koju svakako vrijedi doživjeti. Kreće iz Njivica i prelaskom Krčkog mosta kreće u unutrašnjost i zaleđe Crikvenice te se penje na skoro 800 metara nadmorske visine i vodi kroz seriju vidikovaca nazvanih "Oči vinodola". Povratak je uz Tribaljsko jezero i preko Krčkog mosta ponovno nazad u Njivice.

A somewhat more demanding route considering the height altitude and ascent to almost 1 300 meters, but one you should definitely experience. It starts from Njivice and passes over the Krk Bridge (Krčki most) into the inland and hinterland of Crikvenica and ascends to almost 800 meters above the sea level. It leads through a series of belvederes named "The Eyes of Vinodol". You return next to Tribalj Lake and over the Krk Bridge back to Njivice.



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Mapa de la ruta y perfil de altitud

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 8 m Maximum height 777 m Vista detallada

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Miembro desde 2014

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  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

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Miembro desde 2014

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Mi valoración
Ruta: ROAD NJIVICE no.5.
Tipo: Bicicleta de carreras
Distancia: 63,2 km
valorizado al:
Valoración: Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica