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Technical data

Distancia34,7 km Altitud en metros817 m Descenso822 m Duración02:45 h:m Fecha29.09.2009
Valoraciones Autor User Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica


1264 Visitas 2 Valoraciones 240 Descargas 4.00 Promedio
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The tour is situated around the Parapluie Strecke in Wienerwald. I wanted to ride off the beaten track, away from "Schotterautobahne" and found several nice trails. The track is also good to ride on sunny Sundays, as it avoids the crowdy places.

When you ride the track around 20% is the official Parapluie Strecke. I tried to include maximum small trails, but this means that most of it is "illegal biking" It is your decision to ride those Forststrassen.

Try to include the start and finish at the Wittgensteinstrasse in 13. Bezirk as it will give you maximum small narrow and windy tracks.

Several forest trails are rather steep both up and downhill...... I do not recommend this to Einsteiger . It is also not suitable for families..... , and that is good!

Personally I like the fantastic trail in the direction of the Kaltenleutgeben leading to the Waldanlage Kaltenleutgeben, it is long windy and narrow. A discovery is also the steep and narrow trail close to Doktorsberg (be careful there is a tree blocking the ride, you will have to get off your bike!) This trail is ending on the Karlsgasse (Schotterweg) at the foot of Doktersberg.


Have fun!


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  • Google
Minimum height 260 m Maximum height 613 m Vista detallada

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Member since 2008

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dellegrazy al 11.06.2011

Ein echter Leckerbissen

Echt super Tour!
Immer wieder Überraschungen wie herrliche Ausblicke nach einem Waldstück, versteckte Wege usw.

Vielen Dank!
Wittgensteinstrasse 13. Bezirk Wien

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  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

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Member since 2008

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Mi valoración
Ruta: Rundum Parapluiestrecke Wienerwald (trails!)
Tipo: Bicicletas de montaña
Distancia: 34,7 km
valorizado al:
Valoración: Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica