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Technical data

Distancia31,8 km Altitud en metros1001 m Descenso1001 m Duración08:00 h:m Fecha22.02.2010
Valoraciones Autor Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica


5289 Visitas Valoraciones 511 Descargas Promedio
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This tour starts in Porto. We were situated in a camping few  km from the village. Tour begins  on paved road in the direction to village Evisa. Wiev is beautiful, with lot of animals on the side. If you want to make only the downhill through Spelunca gorge just follow this road to Evisa. If you want some more adventure  and you have nothing against wearing your bike for few minutes just follow the track. which leaves the paved road. On some parts trail nearly disappears, but then it comes again. When you come to village Evisa it is time to put protectors  to your knees or shoulders if you have them. Downhill has a lot of rocks, you need a good suspension. Most of the time it is S1 with some parts S2-S3. But you can also walk!  It took us about 8 hours to make this tour, but we stopped many times to enjoy.

If you do not like rocky terrain with steps do not make this tour.

Please respect the hikers, there can be many in the gorge.

More pictures on: http://picasaweb.google.com/DenisCindro/Korzika254252009#5331712145495216802

Spassfaktor realy depends on what you like!  With hard tail bike it can be close to 1.

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Mapa de la ruta y perfil de altitud

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 106 m Maximum height 833 m Vista detallada

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Miembro desde 2008

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rob47 al 30.09.2012

Spelunca Schlucht

Die Spelunca Schlucht ist für fast Jeden unfahrbar. Sowohl technisch als auch die vielen Tourisis, die hier unterwegs sind: D.h: Bike tragen, ich schätze zu 80%, na dann viel Spass!

Porto Village on the west coast of Corsica

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  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
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  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Hoja de ruta (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Miembro desde 2008

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Mi valoración
Ruta: Spelunca - Corsica
Tipo: Bicicletas de montaña
Distancia: 31,8 km
valorizado al:
Valoración: Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica