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Technical data

Distancia24,3 km Altitud en metros1512 m Descenso1508 m Duración06:00 h:m Fecha18.08.2010
Valoraciones Autor Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica


1576 Visitas Valoraciones 196 Descargas Promedio
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drivable way up to the Refugio Menaggio with small walk passage only.

The way up was taken from  sergiomtbscialp Tour  59851 - thx, had no time to drive myself. The way up is new way to Alp Nedale and not included in commen maps (added in OSM now).

By a hiking tour from Refugio Croce di Campo to Refugio Menaggio (with the bike) i saw the new way up and the nice way down . So up on street to Alp Nedale, down nearly everything in S1-S3 singletrail. 
 Please drive carefuly, the way doun is in the beginning in steep alpine surrounding.

Further information at


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  • Google
Minimum height 221 m Maximum height 1644 m Vista detallada

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start in S. Maria near Menaggio Lake Como

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Member since 2005

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Mi valoración
Ruta: Menaggio - San Amate - Refugio Menaggio
Tipo: Bicicletas de montaña
Distancia: 24,3 km
valorizado al:
Valoración: Paisaje Diversión Condición Técnica