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Technical data

Długość45,2 km Wysokość452 m Way down455 m Czas trwania00:00 h:m Data07.07.2014
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


561 Widoki Oceny 65 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania Przeciętnie
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Odmah nakon polaska iz hotela čeka nas strmi uspon
nakon kojeg slijedi dugačak i lijep spust u dolinu. Idućih 10-
tak klilometara vozimo se kroz ravnicu da bi se ubrzo vratili
u “gorice” i laganim usponima i spustevima kroz pitome
i pitoreskne brežuljke vratili na početnu točku. Staza koja
otkriva svu raznolikost ovog prostora i staza nakon koje ćete
jedva čekati novo bicikliranje ovim krajem.
Napomena: staza je pogodna za TREKKING bicikle.


Immediately after you leave the hotel there is a steep uphill ride followed by a nice and long downhill ride into the valley. For the next 10 kilometers, we ride through the plains and soon return to the "hills". With easy uphill and downhill rides through the gentle hills we come back to the starting point. This trail reveals all the diversity of the area and makes you wish for another ride as soon as this one is finished.


Galeria trasy

Mapa trasy i profil wysokości

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 167 m Maximum height 339 m Widok szczegółowy

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Member since 2014

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GPS tracks

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  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Karta trasy (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2014

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My score
Trasa: Sv. Martin na Muri. Road Staza br. 5.
Rodzaj: Rower szosowy
Długość: 45,2 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika