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Technical data

Długość37,4 km Wysokość466 m Way down464 m Czas trwania00:00 h:m Data07.07.2014
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


730 Widoki Oceny 66 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania Przeciętnie
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Lijepa ruta koja odmah nakon hotela kreće oštro uzbrdo
po asfaltnoj cesti a zatim nakon panoramske ceste kreće
spust u nizinu te se vožnja nastavlja po makadamskoj cesti
uz rijeku Muru. Skelarova hiža na ruti odlično je mjesto
za osvježenje a nakon toga penjemo se nazad u “brege”
gdje nas singletral na lokalnoj XC stazi vodi nazad u hotel.
Ne zahtjevna ruta sa nekoliko strmih uspona idealna je za
MTB početnike ali i one nešto iskusnije.

A nice route that goes sharply uphill right after you leave the hotel begins on the paved road that takes you through the lovely scenery and on a downhill ride. The ride continues on the gravel road along the river Mura. On this trail there is The Ferryman’s house, a great place for refreshments. Refreshed, we climb back into the hills where a single trial on local XC leads us back to the hotel. This is an undemanding route with several steep uphill rides, ideal for MTB beginners and those more experienced ones.


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  • Google
Minimum height 158 m Maximum height 333 m Widok szczegółowy

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Member since 2014

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Member since 2014

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My score
Trasa: Sv. Martin na Muri. MTB Staza br. 1.
Rodzaj: Rower górski (MTB)
Długość: 37,4 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika