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Technical data

Długość75,2 km Wysokość1674 m Way down1683 m Czas trwania00:00 h:m Data24.08.2014
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


237 Widoki Oceny 11 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania Przeciętnie
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Ruta koja će proći kroz najveća mjesta centralnog Gorskog kotara pa tako nakon starta u Fužinama nakon nekog vremena dolazimo do Delnica, najvećeg mjesta ovog kraja. Nakon Delnica slijedi spust u dolinu rijeke Kupe skroz do pograničnog mjesta Brod na Kupi. Ovdje predlažemo kratki predah jer od Broda na Kupi kreće oštri uspon prema Skradu prolazeći kroz teško dostupna mala mjesta povrh Kupske doline. Od Skrada cesta vodi do Ravne Gore gdje se priključujemo na staru Karolinsku cestu koja nas sa dva strma uspona i spusta vodi do Mrkoplja i dalje prema Fužinama.

The route goes through the biggest towns in central Gorski kotar. After the start in Fužine, after a while it reaches Delnice, the biggest town in this area. After Delnice, it descends to the valley of river Kupa and goes as far as the border village Brod na Kupi. We suggest a short break as the route steeply ascends from Brod na Kupi to Skrad, passing through hard-to-reach villages over the Kupa valley. After Skrad, the route leads to Ravna Gora where it joins the old Karolina road which, in two steep ascents and descents, leads to Mrkoplje and back to Fužine.



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Minimum height 223 m Maximum height 1024 m Widok szczegółowy

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Trasa: FUŽINE Road 3
Rodzaj: Rower szosowy
Długość: 75,2 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika