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Technical data

Długość37,2 km Wysokość814 m Way down812 m Czas trwania00:00 h:m Data24.02.2016
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


525 Widoki Oceny 104 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania Przeciętnie
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Ova umjerena staza pruža otvoreni pogled prema kopnu te prolazak kroz lokalna mjesta i poljoprivredne predjele otoka. Duž vožnje poučnim stazama proći ćete pored predivnih maslinika i kroz malo autohtono selo Dol. Staza sadrži dugotrajniji i strmiji uspon pa će odgovarati vozačima sa srednjom tjelesnom pripremom.


This moderate trail offers open view towards mainland and it passes through local settlements and agricultural areas of the island. During the ride on educational trails you will pass along beautiful olive groves and through a small indigenous village. The trail contains a longer and steeper climb and therefore it is suited for MTB riders in moderate physical condition.


Galeria trasy

Mapa trasy i profil wysokości

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height -5 m Maximum height 641 m Widok szczegółowy

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Trasa: MTB BOL 1
Rodzaj: Rower górski (MTB)
Długość: 37,2 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika