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Technical data

Długość24,0 km Wysokość559 m Way down588 m Czas trwania01:34 h:m Data20.11.2008
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


81 Widoki 1 Ocena 9 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania 3.00 Przeciętnie
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Keď som sa ráno pozrel von z okna, videl som mierne mraky. No dosť fúkal vietor, teplota však bola 10°C. Samému sa mi veľmi nechcelo, tak som sa dohodol s kamošom. Vyrazili sme, no po cca 7km začalo pršať. Ale povedal som, že dnes som po dlhom čase opäť na biku, zajtra má pršať a cez víkend mrznúť, tak sa ide ďalej. Pokrúžili sme teda po kobyle v daždi, cestou späť na chvíľu prestal, no potom sa ešte zintenzívnil. Keď sme došli domov, prihnali sa akurát veľmi nepríjemné mraky, uff.

Mapa trasy i profil wysokości

  • Open Street Map
  • Google
Minimum height 194 m Maximum height 510 m Widok szczegółowy

More about the tour author

Member since 2007

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speedfreak on 22.11.2008

Nice track

Thanks a lot for showing me this nice track! It really helped me a lot as it was my first time biking in SK. Unfortunately the batteries of my GPSr run down as it was quite cold (around 0 to 2°C). So I had to take a shortcut home. On my way home I got caught in a snowstorm with strong head wind...

If you´ll bike there for more times, check all of my tracks which names consists of "MTB Devínska kobyla". Because I have more than 1 track there.
BA-Dlhé Diely - Pasienok - Jezuitské lesy - Švábsky vrch - SALES - Devínska kobyla - SALES - Švábsky vrch - Jezuitské lesy - Pasienok - BA-Dlhé Diely

GPS tracks

  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
  • TTQV (trk) download
  • Overlay (ovl) download
  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • Karta trasy (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2007

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Trasa: 20081120_MTB Devínska kobyla_35
Rodzaj: Rower górski (MTB)
Długość: 24,0 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika