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Technical data

Długość27,5 km Wysokość408 m Way down428 m Czas trwania00:00 h:m Data26.04.2009
Oceny Author Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika


1447 Widoki Oceny 147 Downloads / Pliki do pobrania Przeciętnie
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MTB on Omberg

Omberg is beautifully situated by the shores of Lake Vättern. The flora is very varied and there are lots of flowers in spring time.

The forested hill Omberg is a popular area for outdoor avtivities and there are several hiking trails but not all of them suited for biking.Give way to walkers, be especially careful around the most popular areas around Hjässan, Ellen Key's Strand and Stocklycke.

The tour

This tour is best done clockwise and consists of a mixture of  trails (64%), gravel (17%) and tarmac (19%).

There are challanging climbs, fast and fun downhills, lovely views of Lake Vättern and the surrounding plains.

Today we started and ended the loop at Ellen Key's Strand. Other possible starting points are; Ombergs Turisthotell, Stocklycke, Storpissan or Hjässatorget.

Food breaks

If you don't BYO, tehe are lunch and snack possibilities en-route at Ombergs Turishotell and Stocklycke. Close to the trail are Borghamn and Hästholmen.

Places to stay

Try the web site "Tiderna landskap - A Spritual Haven" www.tidernaslandskap.se/Default.asp

Further information at


Galeria trasy

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Minimum height 80 m Maximum height 246 m Widok szczegółowy

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Member since 2006

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derwolf on 24.08.2015

Great tour!

We did this thour beginning of August this year and it was really great! We started at the north end and did it clockwise. First some forrest roads for warm-up, then trails, trails, trails in such a beautiful landscape. Definitely one of the best MTB tours I ever did in Sweden! Thanks a lot for tracking it.

GPS tracks

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  • Karta trasy (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2006

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Trasa: MTB on Omberg
Rodzaj: Rower górski (MTB)
Długość: 27,5 km
Evaluated on:
Czas trwania:
Ocena: Krajobraz Czynnik zadowolenia Kondycja Technika