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Dolžina30,8 km Metri nadmorske višine884 m Way down1079 m Trajanje04:30 h:m Datum28.08.2012
Ocene Author Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika


437 Pogledi Ocene 73 Prenosi Povprečje
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Hier die Beschreibung in englisch:

From the car park in Auris en Oisans, follow the path to the Col de Maronne. Once at the col, carry on along a clearly marked 4-wheel drive track, which will take you up to the Col to Cluy via a series of quite steep climbs. Next, descend to the left to the Pont des Envers bridge and follow the left bank of the Sarenne to the Col de Sarenne. Ride down from the col to Le Perron. Above the old chalet with its strange anti-avalanche protection, take the off-road track to the right for a little more than 2km. On your right, you can see the ‘Grand Aiguille’ and on the other side, the village of Besse-en-Oisans. A left-hand bend brings you down to Clavans-le-Bas, coming out at the ancient washhouse of the Fount do Schavel, hollowed out of a block of stone. From Clavans, follow the road down and 200m after the junction of the road to Besse, take a path off to the right. Follow the signs ’Le Puy – Le Freney par le Follet’. The path winds its way pleasantly through cool woodland, before emerging into full light onto the spectacular overhanging path that leads to the oratory of Le Follet. You will see Mizoën, with its bell tower, to the right and the Chambon Lake looks cool and inviting as you bike along this hot path, heavy with the scent of lavender. From the oratory at 1250m, take the right-hand path towards Les Puys (the left-hand path goes to Le Freney d’Oisans). A vigourous climb takes you up to Le Puy (1294m).

Go past the telephone box at Le Puy and take the left-hand path to Les Cours d’Auris via La Croix de Trevoux. At La Croix de Trevoux, keep right, following Les Cours on a pleasant paved path that then becomes an earth track. Before Les Cours, you can take a rest on a bench facing the strange mountain called the Pied Moutet, as well as the Aiguille de Venosc and La Muraillette.

From Les Cours, follow signs to ‘Auris station’, which will take you up a fine 180m climb. Return to the car park.


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Minimum height 1216 m Maximum height 2012 m Prikaz podrobnosti

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Von Bourg d'Oisans zunächst Richtung Alp d'Huez. In La Garde die 211A bzw. der Beschilderung nach Auris folgen.

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Izlet: Die Auris balconies N°6
Vrsta: Gorsko kolo
Dolžina: 30,8 km
Evaluated on:
Ocena: Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika