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Technical data

Dolžina5,7 km Metri nadmorske višine84 m Way down95 m Trajanje03:00 h:m Datum08.02.2013
Ocene Author Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika


489 Pogledi Ocene 11 Prenosi Povprečje
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This hiking tour takes you on a round trip from Gilsland to Birdoswald Roman Fort. On the way back the track follows the line of Hadrian's Wall, crossing the River Irthing over a new footbridge. The remains of the ancient Roman bridge can be visited along this walk.

The total duration of 3 hours includes a visit to Birdoswald Roman Fort, an excarvation site managed by English Heritage. A small but interesting museum is included on site.

Refreshments can be found at Gilsland and Birdoswald.

The track starts and ends at a free car park at Gilsland.

If weather is good the track can be extended by a walk through the woods east of Gilsland to the Popping Stone. However, we have no gps-recording of this additional loop because the paths were too muddy due to heavy rain.


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Minimum height 103 m Maximum height 152 m Prikaz podrobnosti

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Parking spaces can be found at Birdoswald or Gilsland. However, the car park at Gilsland might be preferred because it is free of charge.

Poti GPS

  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
  • CRS / Garmin Training Center® (crs) download
  • Google Earth (kml) download
  • G7ToWin (g7t) download
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  • Fugawi (txt) download
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  • List z izleti (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

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Member since 2009

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Izlet: Hadrian's Wall - Gilsland - Birdoswald Roman Fort
Vrsta: Pešačenje
Dolžina: 5,7 km
Evaluated on:
Ocena: Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika