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Technical data

Dolžina13,5 km Metri nadmorske višine286 m Way down291 m Trajanje03:00 h:m Datum28.07.2013
Ocene Author Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika


621 Pogledi Ocene 14 Prenosi Povprečje
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This hiking tour starts at the THREE SHIRES INN at Little Langdale and takes you on a round trip through Little and Great Langdale. On the way you will get beautiful views of the Langdale Pikes and the Dungeon Ghyll falls. It's not as spectacular as reaching the summit of one of the surrounding lakeland fells, but it's a nice alternative for days with cloudy weather.


Parking in Little Langdale is rather restricted. If you do not have lodging at the THREE SHIRES INN, I would suggest to go to one of the bigger National Trust parking lots in Great Langdale.

Refreshments are available at several inns and hotels on the way.


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Minimum height 77 m Maximum height 230 m Prikaz podrobnosti

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If you do not have lodging in Little Langdale or Great Langdale, take the road between Ambleside and Conniston. Great Langdale will be signposted along the way.


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Member since 2009

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Izlet: Little Langdale - Great Langdale - round trip
Vrsta: Pešačenje
Dolžina: 13,5 km
Evaluated on:
Ocena: Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika