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Technical data

Dolžina27,0 km Metri nadmorske višine0 m Way down0 m Trajanje02:30 h:m Datum14.08.2011
Ocene Author Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika


571 Pogledi Ocene 48 Prenosi Povprečje
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This tour takes you up to the Tour de Madeloc, where from you have a stunning view towards both the mountains and the coast. As soon as you left behind the crowded main road from Argeles you climb up a quiet paved road (D86), which in the first part is shady in the second part is unbelievably hot, when the sun is shining. Bring enough water, as there is no fountain or shop! You'll end up at the last uphil towards the tower, which is forbidden for cars, motorbikes,... The climb is incredibly steep and I confess: it was just my ego which prevented me from walking the rest instead of doing it on the bike. But the view from the top compensates for every drop of sweat you lost.

I went the same way back to Argeles, but you could also follow the D86 down to Banyuls sur mer. I saw also an unpaved road/singletrail starting at the summit, but I didn't do it. If anyone does, please post your experiences here!

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Minimum height 99999 m Maximum height -99999 m Prikaz podrobnosti

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Start at the southern beach of Argeles; there is a parking lot too (2.60 Euro/day at the time of writing)

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Member since 2011

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Izlet: Up to the "Tour de Madeloc"
Vrsta: Dirkalno kolo
Dolžina: 27,0 km
Evaluated on:
Ocena: Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika