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Technical data

Dolžina6,6 km Metri nadmorske višine575 m Way down537 m Trajanje07:01 h:m Datum28.08.2011
Ocene Author Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika


1319 Pogledi Ocene 23 Prenosi Povprečje
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Date: July 31, 2011

Start: 2488 m (Adolf Nossberger Hütte)
Finish: 2508 m (Wangenitzseehütte)

Highest point: 2810 m (Kreuzseescharte)
Lowest point: 2488 m (Adolf Nossberger Hütte)

Total ascent: 672 m
Total descent: 634 m

Part of the trail is marked 'black', which requires absolutely steady feet and no fear of height at all!! Be very careful!

Most of the trail is quite steep going up and down as well.


Do not take anything, do not leave anything!
Please, do NOT leave trash behind. Paper tissues are also trash! Chocolate wrap as well. Bring a small trash bag with you and take your trash with yourself to the next trash can. It is not that heavy.

Further information at


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  • Google
Minimum height 2476 m Maximum height 2804 m Prikaz podrobnosti

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Member since 2009

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Places where you can eat and drink:
Adolf Nossberger Hütte

1. from Adolf Nossberger Hütte, follow the signs towards Niedere Gradenscharte (alternative: Höhere Gradenscharte, but you will need climbing equipment - Kletterset - for that one)
2. climb up the rocks from the Hütte towards Niedere Gradenscharte, do not turn towards Keeskopf
3. from Niedere Gradenscharte, follow the trail towards Wangenitzseehütte or Lienzer Hütte. There will be a short secured trail after the Scharte, very steep, you will need to climb down holding on to pre-installed iron rails.
4. when you reach a crossing, follow the trail to Wangenitzseehütte
5. there will be several secured places where you can use the pre-installed iron steps and rails
6. after merging with the trail coming from Höhere Gradenscharte, you will soon reach Kreuzseescharte. From here, you can already see the goal: Wangenitzseehütte.
7. walk down the trail to Wangenitzseehütte, you can greet some nice lambs on the way

Make sure to bring plenty of water!!!


Do not take anything, do not leave anything!
Please, do NOT leave trash behind. Paper tissues are also trash! Chocolate wrap as well. Bring a small trash bag with you and take your trash with yourself to the next trash can. It is not that heavy.


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  • GPX / Garmin Map Source (gpx) download
  • TCX / Garmin Training Center® (tcx) download
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  • Google Earth (kml) download
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  • Fugawi (txt) download
  • Kompass (DAV) Track (tk) download
  • List z izleti (pdf) download
  • Original file of the author (gpx) download

More about the tour author

Member since 2009

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Izlet: Gradental - Winklerner Hütte hike part nr.2 (Adolf Nossberger Hütte - Wangenitzseehütte)
Vrsta: Izlet v gore
Dolžina: 6,6 km
Evaluated on:
Ocena: Pokrajina Dejavnik zabave Kondicija Tehnika